Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wow, I can't believe it's been this long since I last posted . . .

Sorry guys! I had the intention of starting this blog because I wasn't very busy at the time. Unfortunately, quite a lot of stuff came up, and this was one of those things that had to be put off to the side.

But, if I do have any readers left out there, I would love to pick up where I left off come September. I want to change a few things around and make it a lot more interactive for my readers. If anyone is left out there reading this post, I beg you, PLEASE leave a comment so I'll know I'm at least writing for someone!

Once again, sorry to those who thought I "abandoned" you. I feel bad for not keeping up with the work. But, a blog is always something I wanted, so the sooner I can get back to writing the better!


  1. Thanks for returning! Glad it's back!

    For your "re-launch" in September, it'd be great to find a tv template to use. If you need any help, PM me at sitcomsonline. I have some experience in that department!

  2. I haven't checked this blog in weeks, but I guess I came back at the right time

