Saturday, May 23, 2009

Reaper in Syndication Looking More Likely

With The CW having recently cancelled their sophomore drama Reaper, ABC Studios, which produces the show, has been looking for a new outlet to air their show. Supposedly, they have been pitching it to air in syndication.

Since The CW has recently sold back Sunday nights to syndicated markets, the producers thought of the idea to pitch it to those syndicated markets, where they could air it on The CW markets, on Sunday nights.

Now, I'm definitely one to back up fan campaigns. I have been involved in many myself. The guys at are definitely looking for a third season of Reaper. Supposedly, they have gotten word from the syndicated affiliates that a third season of Reaper is still being discussed upon, and is seeming more and more likely.

This is definitely good news. If your a fan, you can go to the site posted, where they'll give addresses and all that to write to your local affiliates, asking them to pick up Reaper for a third season. I highly recommend doing so if you'd like to see another season!


  1. Hey, thanks for promoting the campaign to save Reaper! We have high hopes that with increased fan input to our affiates and ABC, we can support this deal getting done! More Reaper!

  2. The cool thing is that if this goes through, Reaper will get a *full* season - not 18 or 13, but 22! Sweet.

  3. I always like to see fans trying to save their favorite show. I was a part of the campaigns to save Back to You last season, and Swingtown over the summer, both of which unfortunately didn't pay off. But, it's a lot of work, and I hope you guys are successful!

  4. Oh yeah, I was instrumental in the "Save the Junkie, Save the World" campaign for Charlie on Lost. I am hoping for more success with this one too. At least in this case, the producers *aren't* lying to us about wanting our opinions.

    Thanks for your help!

  5. It's always good to have the producers behind the campaign. Syndication would not be a bad idea at all for this show. I always thought another good option would have been ABC Family - seems to me like the show would fit in great at ABC Family, with a show like Greek.

    Good luck!

  6. I'm confused. This is the # of viewers for Reaper this past week
    8:00PM REAPER - 1.71 million, 1.1/2 HH, 0.7/2, 0.6/2
    Why would any network want to save it???????The #s are terrible.
    I think the biggest mistake the networks are making is listening to rabid fans of sinking shows . Cancel them. The fans will find something else to LOVE.

    This tops I hear Christine Applegate is campaigning to save her OWN show...pleeze!

  7. You have to think, though - this episode was Reaper was one of the lowest rated this season, up against part 1 of the American Idol finale. It usually does around 2 million, and in some cases even did better than 90210, which is the darling of the network.

    I think it deserves more, and I'm not even a fan. Fan bases are very loyal, and they will go to many heights to get their show renewed. Syndication wouldn't be a bad option at all.
